Assignment 2 Superheros

To start out, I thought about swapping my heads with my camera and tried to be a camera man. Then I found out I couldn't gather models and found desired lighting and environments to export what I wanted the final results should be.

Instead, I decided to visualize my camera as a mean of armed force. I believe a guy with his camera is very much who I am, and in some way the world is a warfare of visuals, cameras are photographer's weapons. In general, people read about superheroes on comic books, at least in the US. Thus, I heavily incorporated Illustrator to finish all my comic style elements, which I believe is effective to convey the overall feeling of a comic superhero.

The first two photos, especially the first one, are inspired by some James Bond posters. In the first one, I used a lens to represent the spotlight and drawn cameras as those white spiral stripes in the original posters. I created a bunch of blast and bullet, as well as two bombers throwing bombs by using Illustrator. The bombs are actually film rolls, maybe more like an old film camera, which should reminds viewers how photography equipment have been visualized as weapons.

For the third shot, I created an armada of airships advancing through enemy missiles in the sky. The overall theme is similar to the second shot, although now I acknowledge that I should have chosen a blue background to represent the sky. But I was focusing more on black and white comic feel and was trying to add as few color as possible.
As for the finale, I was thinking about visualizing myself standing at the bottom of the image and facing an upside down world. But that was supposed to be a more realistic shot rather than a comic image. So I moved on and put myself as a rocket man flying through an upside down city. I chose the outfit for purpose because that's kind of my attitude towards all the things I am doing right now especially in terms of taking photos. I really wished I could make something big, namely working with a car manufacturer to shoot their vehicles. Obviously that requires my hard work throughout years before I am able to be recognized, but it is the kind of dream job I wanna do.

Overall, I am satisfied with the works I came out with. Working on this project was a little bit of a headache since I couldn't find a unified and interesting way to present myself as a "superhero". But I dug the process and finally show a very unusual image of me in some of those shots.

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